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Help me discuss Locke:

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:26 pm
by MekareQ
Poor Claire, now I feel bad! Okay to allay my guilt: I actually liked it when Locke showed up, asked Claire to leave, and Claire took a moment to check with Kate to make sure everything was okay.

Stupidest episode name *ever.* However, it did draw my attention to one (serious) fact:

Locke gave the "last eggs" to Ben. So there are no more eggs. Later, he's washing blood off his hands, because he "killed a chicken." So Locke killed a chicken for an immediate chicken dinner (he was cooking all day), but in doing so, he removed the option of eggs on any subsequent days. It's very close to "killing the goose that lays the golden eggs." I think this actually highlights Locke's greatest flaws:

He doesn't think ahead, he'll act in the short term and ignore the long term.

He has faith, which is good, but he doesn't have common sense, which is bad. There's a medievel saying: Pray for cabbages, plant your crops. Locke just has faith that more eggs will present themselves.

Other character revelations for Locke:

Not a surprise, but he's caught up in what people think about him. He places himself in a position of power and then worries about what everyone thinks. He's *still* easily manipulated: Sawyer worked him, and I think that's forshadowing the next time that Ben works him.

And finally, I think his "what's the point of rules, if there is no punishment," is incredibly ominous. Sawyer was very cavalier about his "banishing" Kate, and I agree with him, Locke has no right to throw anyone out, but I'm really worried about what will happen when Locke actually catches someone flaunting his "authority." Locke has a temper (we've seen it a lot, but most recent example would be throwing Ben's dinner down), I'm worried that Locke is going to do something very dramatic, and very crazy.


The scene where he throws down the breakfast tray is a parallel of his tantrum at the Swan Station, where he broke the dishes. I'm made even more nervous by how smug Ben looked in the station, but how worried he looks now. Ben has a good idea of Locke's trigger points, and I think even he is concerned about the loose gunLocke is becoming.

Anything else?

Re: Help me discuss Locke:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:16 pm
by Perry
Well this isn't really helping in the discussion, but I totally agree, I really see him going WAY over the top at some time in the near future. Even the bit before he threw the tray down, where he came in to give Ben breakfast and then took it away when Ben said something "mean", seems so childish instead of being tough, and THEN he caps it off with the throwing of the tray.
Yeh, he's like a baby, or a spoiled 2 year old. Chucking tantrums, easily distracted by new things to do, destructive.
Hope they get this big thing they're building up to with Locke over and done with, because it's getting old, and a bit annoying. I hope some one like Claire gives him a good slap. Or Sun, she's dealt a few slaps out before, Jin, Sawyer. Is it just me or did Justin also previously suggest Locke needed a good slap?

Re: Help me discuss Locke:

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:31 pm
by MekareQ
I think Locke's spiral downward is very important. Justin and Claude were talking about the "look" Ben has after Locke's tantrum. I maintain that the look is not smug, like in season two, but worried. In season two Ben was happy that Locke was losing it, in this last episode I felt that Ben was concerned about Locke.

Re: Help me discuss Locke:

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:19 pm
by Jen
...or at least concerned about what locke might do to him as he loses it. i agree, it is a totally different look with a very different meaning.