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General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:36 am
by muttonboy
1. Juliet (E. Mitchell) is really good at the "I'm Innocent" face. It's like she was 5-years-old when she came on the island...and is now a 30-Something fireball!

2. Is Goodwyn's wife real? she Smokey? Jack sees her, but Sawyer saw Kate's horse. AND does this matter either way...

3. Charlotte is a lot different from when we first saw her: the nice inquisitive lady who was interested in the archeology of the island is now a conniving bee-yotch on a mission. VERY Juliet-like in her ability to switch between personalities...

4. Juliet says, "It's very stressful being an Other." (Discuss:...)

5. Ugh! We need more Locke/Island content. (Ie: I'm watching this episode thinking, "This better go somewhere...")

6. As per #5: Locke IS Ben...really!! He should just give in, blend with him, and be one big kick-ass bad guy (who might be a good guy, but we're not quite sure yet). Locke should just be Ben's, er, his sidekick - you know, Batman/Robin style....

7. Must say this: Juliet coming out of the ocean is mucho-HOTTER than KATE when she came out of the ocean. Good to see Jack is finally going her way.

8. Ben's tape of Widmore smells of LOST bringing the plot home...goody-goody!

9. When LOST does end, I'll watch the spin-off, "Sawyer & Hurley"...and listen to the LOWDOWN on that show, too!

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:44 am
by TheRadioTower
Pretty good episode. Charles Widmore reveal was cool and getting to she shots of Juliet's cleavage didn't hurt either, Goodwin is one lucky ba$tard. Locke + Ben = Bad news for everyone on the island. I hate to admit it but I thought the moment at te end with Jack and Juliet was really sweet.

So I'm going to be the first one in this thread to ask the inevitable question; Is Juliet Anne?

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:44 am
by Perry
TheRadioTower wrote:So I'm going to be the first one in this thread to ask the inevitable question; Is Juliet Anne?
I think they made it fairly obvious that Juliet isn't Annie, and that Juliet reminds Ben of Annie.

Juliet: "He's [Ben] been really good to me"
Harper: "Of course he has, you look just like her"

Hmmmm, now that I think about it a bit more, it's way more likely that Harper is referring to Ben's mother, since we know they look fairly similar. Though I still don't see how anyone would think Annie and Juliet are the same person.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:04 pm
by Perry
As far as my general reactions go, I just have to say I really like happy Ben, so when he said "See you guys at dinner" at the end, I had a good chuckle. I, for one, am not at all sick of Ben. The more he weasels his way around and manipulates people (especially silly ol' Locke) the better, I think. Plus we know he's not going anywhere soon. :D

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:12 pm
by tanner
I really liked the episode. Even though most of us expected it, it was nice to get a confirmation that the freighter is Widmore's. I also agree with Perry about not being sick of Ben. It's nice to see that being locked in that basement isn't keeping him from any of his old tricks.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:01 pm
by You-Know-Who
I know perry, I've never seen Ben as chipper as he was in some of scenes yesterday (especially in the "date" with Juliet and the ham)

In general I liked this episode as it moved the story along and gave us a lot of information, but at the same time it didn't blow my mind with an OMG moment like last week (I didn't expect it to), it just gave us a lot of info we've bee waiting for awhile and, like tanner said, we kinda half expected (Widmore is the boat man). It's one of those episodes that's integral to moving the story but it won't be remembered especially once we're somewhere else in the story.

Weren't Sun and Jin helping Jackliet find Faraday and Charlotte at the start of the episode? We never saw them again. I guess the writers have to justify paying them, so they just stick them places :) (same with Claire).

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:23 pm
by paul in vegas
i really hated this episode. i haven't said that about an episode since s.o.s. granted it did have some juicy tidbits, but it bored me to death...

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:37 pm
by You-Know-Who
Paul, did you really hate this episode more then Eggtown? Or Tricia Tanaka is Dead? Or Stranger in a Strange Land? S.O.S was looooong time ago.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:46 pm
by paul in vegas
You-Know-Who wrote:Paul, did you really hate this episode more then Eggtown? Or Tricia Tanaka is Dead? Or Stranger in a Strange Land? S.O.S was looooong time ago.
All the episodes you mention are indeed subpar.

Eggtown at least had a surprise ending.
Tricia Tanaka is Dead had a fun beginning, and I admit I love watching hurley's mother on screen.
Stranger in a Strange Land was fun to watch because it was such over the top crap. It's like the Glitter or Xanadu of Lost.

But like i said, I haven't been bored by an episode like "The Other Woman" since S.O.S. I don't watch Lost to be bored.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:50 pm
by You-Know-Who
Wow... that's really surprising. Sure I a can appreciate the total badness of Stranger in a Strange Land in hindsight and laugh at it, but when I was watching it I was ready for a good episode of lost that was actually relevant to the plot, they were stalling so much in that episode it was extremely annoying. At least The Other Woman has a lot of decent information that's good for the story, we had to find out that widmore was behind the Freighter at some point right?

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:26 am
by paul in vegas
You-Know-Who wrote:Wow... that's really surprising. Sure I a can appreciate the total badness of Stranger in a Strange Land in hindsight and laugh at it, but when I was watching it I was ready for a good episode of lost that was actually relevant to the plot, they were stalling so much in that episode it was extremely annoying. At least The Other Woman has a lot of decent information that's good for the story, we had to find out that widmore was behind the Freighter at some point right?
i forgot to mention that i think bai ling is hot. that was probably why i didnt cringe at that episode when it was first aired.

the whole widmore revelation was stupid in my opinion i don't see a wealthy industrialist going out and beating to death anyone. like i said on the blogspot, can't he hire someone?

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:49 am
by You-Know-Who
You don't know the full situation, there are a lot of legitimate reasons why widmore would be there. Maybe they didn't have much time and widmore needed to hear the information straight away. Even if he's a billionaire it doesn't mean that he doesn't get down and dirty or minds driving down dark alleys (how do you think he became so rich). And we all know the more people there are between widmore and the person giving the info the more likely something will go wrong, take for example what happened with the lost season 3 finale, there were 300 people who had access to the episode between damon and carlton and the viewers. And we all know that it got leaked. This is very important for widmore, he's a smart guy, so he keeps it close to his chest.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:32 pm
by evephoenix
All in all, it was pretty good. I love this season so far because the episodes have a different flavor to them. It's not just because of the faster pacing of some of them, though that is new. This one was a perfect example of instead of and A and B storylines, one being major and the other one minor, you have A1 and A2, just in different locations. Both of them (I'll call them Camp Jack and Camp Locke) had something to do with the mythology of the island too. The relationship crap the "other woman" flashback) was ok, but didn't add anything to the overall story for me.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:58 pm
by Perry

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:28 am
by Claude
Well, my reaction is on the podcast. But this episode reminds me how much I love Juliet. Honestly, she might be the most consistently good/interesting character on the show for me. I want to rank Sayid #1, but I'm too put off by his eagerness to "talk about [things] later."

I really hope she continues to play a big part on the show.

Re: General Reactions...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:01 pm
by Stephen
I think Dan reprogrammed the computer so that he can now release the gas from his satellite phone.