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Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:39 am
by David3
We were shown that those who have been on the island can't die off island, or at the least, they can't kill themselves. Michael can't kill himself in a car accident and he can't shoot himself. In Jack's flash he was interrupted as he tried to jump from the bridge.

Based on the newspaper article/obituary, the man in the coffin hung himself. Based on what we learned tonight, does this mean that it can't be Michael in the coffin? Or any of the other Losties for that matter?

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:12 am
by You-Know-Who
Is it that every person's who's been to the island can't kill themselves, or just some people who the island decides have more "work to do"?

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:17 am
by Justin
I'd say the latter. Radzinsky did a good job of it (I think).

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:11 am
by You-Know-Who
If it's the latter than Michael could finish his "work" and then go die peacefully. He said "I'm here to die" after all...

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:38 am
by redscarf
Yeah, it could still be him. As long as he's finished whatever work he has to do.

But he did say that he's on the ship to die, and I took that to mean to die on the ship or on island.

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:43 am
by muttonboy
Michael seemed pretty convinced that the "bomb" was going to indeed execute everyone on board, including himself...I think THAT is what he meant about being on board to die. I think once he gets through all this crap with the boat (mopping up blood, getting a call from Ben, stabbed in the back by Sayid, etc) he'll have a different perspective on whether or not to commit suicide.

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:28 am
by tanner
If anything, this episode makes me think even more that it's Michael in the coffin.
Jack's flash-forward is still in the indefinite future, so there's still plenty of time for Michael to die. As it stands, Sayid isn't exactly happy to see Michael and I believe we were meant to assume his opinions speak for all the Losties.

I think his death will also be a heroic Charlie-esque one, but will either be on the boat so none of the Losties know or go unappreciated. Afterall, I genuinely believe that Ben is telling the truth about the dangers of the freighter, but everyone still hates him... I think Michael will do something to prevent everyone form getting rescued but will set the limit of who can get off at 6. (maybe he'll destroy all the helicopters except one, or will burn all the gas except enough for one heli-trip or something...?)

Re: Is Michael ruled out as the man in the coffin?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:16 pm
by Silentbob
the thing is, the reason we all thought he was the man in the coffin was because he killed himself out of guilt from killing anna and libby. he can't kill himself now, and assuming that he saves everyone on the island, he would be sort of lifted of his guilt. if we are to assume that the man in the coffin did kill himself as the newspaper said, it would be a really shitty end for michael

"oh, i killed some people. and then i tried to kill myself out of guilt, but i couldn't because i had to rid myself of the guilt and redeem myself. so i did that, so i could kill myself. and then i died."

i don't know about you, but that sounds really crappy.