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Zodiac Raft

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:26 pm
by Perry
I am so glad that the Zodiac hasn't been jumping with them, cos if it had been, that made no sense to me. I don't know if this is really worth a seperate topic or if I should've just started a general reaction post.

Re: Zodiac Raft

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:00 pm
by David3
I thought they were trying to tell us that whoever left the boat, took the Zodiac.

Here is what seems to be a couple of the rules...

If you were touching it on the original jump, then it continues to jump with you through each jump. (example:The zodiac.)

On subsequent jumps if you are touching something it will come with you, but if you're not touching it again when the next jump happens, then it stays in that time period. (example: The compass. It came with Locke to 1954, but since Richard was holding it and not Locke, it satyed in 1954.)

Another thing about the Zodiac...If it is in fact traveling with them each time, a couple of weird things are probably happening with it.

1. It would have appeared on the beach out of nowhere for about 15 minutes the night that Claire gave birth to Aaaon. I guess we can assume nobody saw it. Well, maybe Paulo and Nikki did. They discovered everything, right?

2. The next jump was to some future point. It seems that someone has come and ransacked their camp. While they were there the Zodiac would have appeared to them out of nowhere. Since it's gone, it would seem they took it. The problem is that in the next time jump the raft would have disappeared from underneath them, if they were still in it.

You can avoid both of these by saying that Rose and Bernard and any surviving redshirts went back to the beach in 1954 and got in the raft to hide somewhere else.

Re: Zodiac Raft

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:08 pm
by David3
I was just thinking, the flash to Nov 1, 2004 happened during the day. If that Zodiac raft is still traveling with them, then it should be at the beach during that time and someone should have saw it. I know a lot of people were at the caves, but there were still some people at the beach.

I only see two ways around this not being a mistake.

1. Someone in 1954 took the boat somewhere else. (Rose, Bernard, a hostile)
2. The zodiac is no longer moving with them.