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Four-Toed Statue

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:32 pm
by David3
We finally got more on the four-toed statue. We see that it's carrying two ankhs, one in each hand. An ankh is the Egyptian hieroglyphic for eternal life. According to Wikipedia, Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by the loop (just as we saw the statue).

It would seem that the statue is that of an Egyptian god. Looking around at different Egyptian gods, my first guess is that it is the god Anubis.


We also see later in the episode that Paul wears an ankh around his neck and it's the ankh that starts the fight between Horace and Amy in the first place. Was Paul originally a hostile that switched sides? Is that why he was killed? Is that why the hostiles want his body?

Re: Four-Toed Statue

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:27 pm
by CorpsesAndChaos
with all the pictographs on the island and this statue being presumably Anubis, it seems likely the tunnel system and temple is related to Egyptian civilization/mythology. but what got me thinking is that in the episode "the man behind the curtain" we see that whole classroom volcano scene - with the map of a volcano on the chalkboard and wall - which ironically sort of resembles a natural model of a pyramid. what are pyramids? tombs. so, is it possible that this conveniently forgotten about item of the show, that lies in a "dark territory" that we never seen, is a possible tomb (or tombs) or 'gate' to and from the underworld for the dead? on Rousseau's map its listed as a "Crater". on that map we see with Cesar there is more "unknown" areas list. so is it a crater or a volcano? who knows. does this tunnel system lead to it? are we ever going to see more of this? who knows. if it is a crater - uh oh. lets not get into bio-mechanical smoke monsters crashing onto this island right now.

all the Anubis mythology fits in with why the "Hostiles" want proper burials. it seems to be part of the rites to keep spiritual balance. later we see Ben and the others performing a viking funeral, which seems inconsistent.

if the hostiles are some immortal "stewards" of this island, it sets up well with the whole Scared vs. Profane war and the Losties seem to be the "gray" human element as in most mythology. nothing new really, but just some observations. maybe its all BS and nothing much will come of it but youd hope that this is leading to some epic climax.