Initial Reactions

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Initial Reactions

Post by TheRadioTower »


Damon & Carlton have outdone themselves!

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by userpjx »

Pretty good episode. It seemed to me that the characters in the alternate universe became aware of the main timeline when they came close to death or came in contact with someone they cared for deeply in the main timeline (their constant?). Looking forward to seeing how this resolves.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by Stephen »

Let it be known that as soon as I saw out-of-focus stadium seating I said, quite loudly, "this is the stupidest show ever."

I give it an A.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by TheRadioTower »

userpjx wrote:Pretty good episode. It seemed to me that the characters in the alternate universe became aware of the main timeline when they came close to death or came in contact with someone they cared for deeply in the main timeline (their constant?). Looking forward to seeing how this resolves.
Yep, this explains the look Jack & Kate shared in 'What Kate Does'

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by muttonboy »

Stephen wrote:Let it be known that as soon as I saw out-of-focus stadium seating I said, quite loudly, "this is the stupidest show ever."

I give it an A.

I agree wholeheartedly...maybe I just love how crazy it all is: the show as a something I watch and the show as something that actually exists on tv. I really don't know how the 99% of people who just watch the show week to week - and maybe even miss an episode or two along the way - have any idea what the hell is going on.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by 420brownie »

One of my favorite episodes of the series. I like Desmond again! Went from being one of my favorite characters to one of my least liked in Seasons 4 and 5. Cusick did a great job in this episode.

The Geek Squad continues to kick ass. Loving this crew. They dusted off that crazy contraption like it was nothing!

I thought Widmore's and Desmond's relationship in the alt timeline was a little over the top, but I know they were really trying to drive home the difference from the main timeline.

I feel like Hawking, aka Ellie Widmore, knows what is going on with Desmond. I'm confused as to why she wants him to stop. Does Widmore understand what is going on?

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by SylviaJi »

Wow, I must be the one of the few that did not like the episode. Granted, there were some good aspects: Desmond and Charlie returning, Daniel (widmore) making a comeback; but on the whole, I felt nothing was really accomplished or resolved in this episode, just more irritating questions. The whole conversation with Eloise was entirely frustrating, like just say what you mean goddamnit! Don't give me more of this "you know what im talking about" because clearly desmond and I don't. Also Charlie on his soapbox about love felt out of place. The cliches in this show never cease to amaze me.
I'm interested how Michael (who they show briefly in next weeks episode) factors into the rest of the show.
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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by David3 »

SylviaJi wrote: Spoiler
I'm interested how Michael (who they show briefly in next weeks episode) factors into the rest of the show.
They show him talking to Hurley, so I am assuming he makes a cameo as one of Hurley's dead visitors.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by Perry »

I am going to definitely need to watch that more than twice.
So much, so crazy. At least that's my first reaction.
Kind of too many questions at the moment to even ask any.

Although one thing a found was a bit much was Daniel's speech to Desmond. It felt like the actor and/or Dan were forced to say those lines, which they were but I mean I think it was too over the top. If I was Desmond I would have stopped him after the first sentence and told him he's nuts. How could a musician try to explain something he knows nothing about, unless we're supposed to believe he has lingering knowledge from his dream, and even if he was a leading physicist his explaination made absolutely no sense. Just random words put together.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by CorpsesAndChaos »

a) "LOVE" as some abstract cultural construct which is neither 'universal', or an absolute, as a catalyst to sync up 'consciousness' (which is viewed as an "object" - l-o-l to the Cartesian mind/body split of SHIT) is seriously one of the most retarded things ever - yet total Network TV standard. "we cant realize this reality is 'false' unless we find our heterosexual destinies of monogamous love and deformed oedipal weirdness." it just comes off as super cheesy Network Romance Drama with a veneer of mediocre sci-fi masking it. i cant get into mind-body splits/dualities. Avatar tried it and it sucks too. people take it as a given, as cultural/scientific legend but try to act extremely smart in 'other' domains of theory or philosophy. fart.

b) theres no real darkness, or threat to the writing. its more silly fun than dangerous. (hi, Disney)

c) its decent for a watch if you just take it in casually and arent allowed to think about it (escapism only), but through the 6 years i think we were led to believe this "world" they were weaving was a lot deeper than it really is/was. its like they baited people along with all these deep subjects/criteria to explore and either demystified them as extremely cornball or just wrote them off as too fantastic to explain. again, a veneer.

as much as its been fun, and with the podcasts, they made it 50% of the fun - but please, end.

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Re: Initial Reactions

Post by JanicM »

SylviaJi wrote:Wow, I must be the one of the few that did not like the episode. Granted, there were some good aspects: Desmond and Charlie returning, Daniel (widmore) making a comeback; but on the whole, I felt nothing was really accomplished or resolved in this episode, just more irritating questions. The whole conversation with Eloise was entirely frustrating, like just say what you mean goddamnit! Don't give me more of this "you know what im talking about" because clearly desmond and I don't. Also Charlie on his soapbox about love felt out of place. The cliches in this show never cease to amaze me.
I didn't dislike it but it was lacking the mindfuck moments that Flashes Before Your Eyes and The Constant had, probably because the fact that they're somehow aware of the other universe was already established.
"Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it."

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