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Ben a surprise to anyone?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:39 am
by Perry
Did the director or whoever honestly think that anyone wouldn't recognise Ben's voice and would be surprised by the "reveal" that Ben was the one with Sayid?

Re: Ben a surprise to anyone?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:16 pm
by David3
You could clearly tell it was him, talking a little slower and lower, but clearly him. I actually realized he would be working for Ben when he made the comment at the barracks about selling his soul before helping or working for Ben or whatever he said. I knew right away it was Ben he was working for in the future.

Re: Ben a surprise to anyone?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:51 pm
by Perry
Yeh, I mean I had guessed that too, but I wasn't 100% sure until I heard his voice. However it seemed like they thought we wouldn't know until they had the shot of him.
It seems they are aiming this new season heavily at new viewers which I don't like.
That's the 3rd reveal (off the top of my head) in 3 episodes that only new people wouldn't see the reveal coming..

401: Camaro = fans should know its Hurley, Seeing his hands come out of the car = All should know it's Hurley, then they have a shot where Hurley turns around where only new viewers would be surprised at that point to see him.

402: C&J already mentioned this one, the "reveal" that Jack and Kate was what was running through the jungle at Dan

..and then this Ben "reveal".
It's getting really annoying.

Oh and to add to that, in a similar way, the revelation that "Tell my sister I love her" was a code, while even if you didn't see what Claude saw, for Miles to blabber on was completely unnecessary.
"Then why'd Naomi use the damn code? Yeah, you remember when she said tell my sister I love her, well she doesn't have a sister. That's what we're supposed to say if we get captured, have a gun to our heads. Like right now, Jack here would say tell my sister I love her, you get it?"
Just smashing us over the head with it.