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Kate thinks babies are hard

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:27 pm
by evephoenix
Yeah, there's the dying thing, but coming from someone who's had two, babies ARE hard. lol But, the potential death sentence (which Sawyer doesn't seem to remember or care about) is huge. Sawyer was acting more jerky than usual, which is what Kate thinks she deserves anyway.

And, someone has to say it, so I will. About sex on the island being a pain in the ass? Justin (or Claude - don't remember who said it), you said a mouthful. Well, I guess they could do THAT too! roflmao!!!!!!!

Re: Kate thinks babies are hard

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:10 am
by Jen
Yeah, I mos def don't need a baby to know they are hard. You are right, though. Quite separate from the problem with preggers women on the island, Kate is pissed at Sawyer's reaction (which lacked any semblance of sympathy or compassion) but obvs she keeps leaving Jack bc she has a thing for assholes. No doubt bc LIKE EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THAT GODDAMN ISLAND FROM BEN DOWN TO CLAIRE SHE HAS DADDY ISSUES!

Damon and Carlton must be projecting...