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More Proof That The Smoke Monster Wasn't Dharma.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:25 pm
by David3
When there were heiroglypics leading to the cave where Ben summons the smoke monster, we thought it didn't seem the smoke monster was Dharma created. In "Cabin Fever" I think we received more proof that the smoke monster pre-dated Dharma. When Richard visits child Locke, he notices a picture on the wall of what looks like the smoke monster attacking a person. He gives it a strange look as if he was thinking, how do you know about that. With the scene taking place in the 1960s, it would seem that Richard had knowledge of the smoke monster years before Dharma came to the island.

The other option, of course, is that Richard traveled back in time (physically, not mentally) from present time to meet Locke, but I realize it's not a popular theory.