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Abbadon is Walt theory.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:18 pm
by David3
I hadn't heard this theory before listening to the podcast, but find it kind of interesting and possibly plausible. As stated in the podcast, he refers to Locke as Mr. Locke at least 5 or 6 times. He talks about mircales to Locke. On the island Locke tells Walt about a miracle happening on the island. Abbadon says a miracle has happened to him. Surviving a plane crash, anybody? Abbadon also talks about going on his walkabout and how it change his life. Could he be referring to his time on the island? It's probably a crazy theory, but I kind of like it.

Re: Abbadon is Walt theory.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:28 pm
by MekareQ
I like it, but doubt it. I didn't connect it, but I did think of Walt when he called him "Mister Locke."

BTW.... Post number 1,000.

Re: Abbadon is Walt theory.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:02 pm
by You-Know-Who
I'm 80% sure Abbadon is not Walt. I think Abbadon is his own character that appears places mysteriously, kinda like Ms. Hawking, and like Ms. Hawking we'll eventually find out about their history, purpose and affiliation. Though Darlton did say that they had a good explanation for Walt's growth and I don't think we've seen it yet, so I don't know...

Re: Abbadon is Walt theory.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:50 am
by Perry
I realise Walt is the person who calls him Mr. Locke, but it's either going to be "John" or "Mr. Locke", not just "Locke". He's only called Locke because that's how he was introduced on the island. I think there's no connection.