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Locke's Death

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:24 pm
by David3
Since Locke was able to die, does that mean the island doesn't need him anymore?
Or could it mean that his death was the only way to get everyone back to the island?

My bet is that Ben killed Locke.

Speaking of the island not letting people die, why exactly coudln't Michel die? I mean, what did he really do? He didn't keep the freighter people off the island. His freezing battery idea did help get Sun, Aaron, and Desmond off the freighter, but chances are, had he not even been on the freighter, Keamy might not have decided to blow it up. Keamy didn't suit up with the dead man trigger thing until after he found out there was a spy on the boat.

Re: Locke's Death

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 5:42 pm
by You-Know-Who
I know... The whole Michael thing really didn't pan out well, now "Meet Kevin Johnson" looks like a worse episode in retrospect.