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Penny = Toast?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:21 am
by TheRadioTower
I seems clear that we are gonna get a Penny-Ben scene pretty soon. I don't think Ben is going to have second thoughts and besides Desmond has to go back and he will never go back to the island if Penny is still alive. Penny's future looks quite grim.

Re: Penny = Toast?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:05 am
by Vince
I fear the opposite.

When I rewatched Des's first flashback ep. ('Live Together, Die Alone' I think) a few months back I was struck by the Dickens book, 'Our Mutual Friend', seen on more than one occasion. Des tells the prison clerk it will be the last thing he reads before he dies. Clerk says, somewhat sarcastically, "That's great, as long as you know when you're going to die." To which Des does not reply.

I totally got chills and was overcome with the fear that D&C planted this ages ago: Des, consciously or subconsciously, knows when he is going to die. His personal experience of time travel (ie. the consciousness type) make this possible. Hypothetically, his 1995 self (or whatever pre-prison consciousness) could flash to his body and circumstances of his final moments. The recent revelation that certain memories are hidden until jarred loose (the Faraday dream) makes this scenario even more possible. Therefore, at some point, he could know when his death is imminent and get to reading that last Dickens book.

The threat of Penny's life via Ben, the seemingly premature reunion of Des & Pen, and now the foreshadowing of Des's return to The Island all seem like they're leading to a situation where Des sacrifices his own life in order to save Penny. I really love Des & Pen and don't want this to happen. However, if it does (and it's done well) I will absolutely bawl while my respect for D&C grows for one hell of a dramatic coup d'etat.

Re: Penny = Toast?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:03 am
by Stephen
Maybe Desmond will say to himself, "You're gonna die, Dezzy". He will avoid death while reading the book then let the universe do the rest.