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Smokey and Danielle's crew

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:29 am
by vickih
IMO Danielle's team had the smoke monster in them or working for them.

Also I have heard in some podcasts they think the gun didn't go off b/c the island didn't want her to die. This is not the case. Danielle told Sayid that she removed the pin from the gun so Robert could not shoot at her and kill her.

Re: Smokey and Danielle's crew

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:11 am
by whir
It seemed to me that whatever experience the crew had in those ruins brainwashed them in some manner. I don't think Danielle could have killed them if they were manifestations. What I don't understand is why whatever power (the Island, I'm assuming) wants Danielle to die. Seems like the Island or Smokie must have given up when she killed Robert.

Re: Smokey and Danielle's crew

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:48 am
by Stephen
Maybe over time she just went crazy and convinced herself she removed the firing pen. Or Jacob (AKA Vincent) personally removed it. I don't think Smokey came with the six baguette-ivos. The sonic fence looked too old and i don't think there was time for its construction between their arrival and the Purge.

What makes you think that some power wants Danielle to die? For one it maybe wouldn't let Robert kill her. And on top of that, the original island-aged actress quit the show.

Re: Smokey and Danielle's crew

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:16 am
by whir
Stephen wrote:What makes you think that some power wants Danielle to die?
I was thinking 'the sickness' is less of a sickness and more the Island/Smokie's ability to take control or brainwash. Therefore, it's will would be to kill Danielle. Just a guess. If instead it is just some sort of brain disease, does it make you want to kill random people? Does it make you want to kill people you love specifically? Why would Robert want to kill her if he wasn't under some sort of influence?