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Vegans use wood shovels?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:17 am
by Stephen
I once went to an organic/vegetarian restaurant where you pay by weight. The utensils were disposable and wooden. The plates were disposable paper or styrofoam... not very organic if you ask me.

Re: Vegans use wood shovels?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:51 pm
by Jen
well, forks and spoons are like food shovels, so they have to be made of wood. i should get the vegan's equivalent of a shabbot goy to come do non-vegan things for me, like shovel with a metal spade.*

Anyway, some of the more profligate douchebags i have ever met were fellow vegans. it seems incongruous, but i think that it is a reaction to a perceived bias-- people have an image of vegans as abstemious and very green, so a certain type of vegan will go out of his/her way to present the opposite image. i try to strike a balance, but then these types don't like me very much anyway because i eat honey. i don't mind exploiting anything i would kill if it was in my home.

*vegans don't use wooden shovels. well, they can, but they don't have to. i use a meat plastic shovel. please do not take my continuation of the joke as a tacit endorsement of the veracity of claude's salacious claim.

Re: Vegans use wood shovels?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:10 pm
by Claude
Jen wrote:well, forks and spoons are like food shovels, so they have to be made of wood. i should get the vegan's equivalent of a shabbot goy to come do non-vegan things for me, like shovel with a metal spade.*

Anyway, some of the more profligate douchebags i have ever met were fellow vegans. it seems incongruous, but i think that it is a reaction to a perceived bias-- people have an image of vegans as abstemious and very green, so a certain type of vegan will go out of his/her way to present the opposite image. i try to strike a balance, but then these types don't like me very much anyway because i eat honey. i don't mind exploiting anything i would kill if it was in my home.

*vegans don't use wooden shovels. well, they can, but they don't have to. i use a meat plastic shovel. please do not take my continuation of the joke as a tacit endorsement of the veracity of claude's salacious claim.

there are way too many SAT words in your response. Where oh where did you go to high school? please tell me Vegan High.

Re: Vegans use wood shovels?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:36 pm
by Jen
this is a blog, claude, there are standards. besides, Vegan High only taught me words like "seitan" and "agave nectar"; the rest i had to pick up studying for the GRE so i could get a phd in Veganology.