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Terry O'Quinn in the cabin?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:11 pm
by Jeri
Maybe the reason they withheld the identity of who played (what we thought was) Jacob in the cabin is that it was Terry O'Quinn as Mr. Loophole, not Jacob?? He was being held in there??

Re: Terry O'Quinn in the cabin?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:29 pm
by Jen
I'm not sure how that would work, and I havent finished the podcast, so maybe this is a redundant observation, but it does seem like the Walt vision that came to Locke after Ben shot him, telling him he had work to do and prompting him to kill Naomi, was probably Loophole, right? How long was Locke under Loophole's influence before LH actually took over his appearance? And speaking of Walt, what about that dream? Why couldn't he tell that the Locke in a suit in his dream was Lockhole? I feel like he should have said "...but there was something different about you, like you weren't you" which would have been so slight a foreshadow that i dont think it would have spoiled anything. I guess i just always wanted walt to be more of a character than they ever really made him, bc they teased us so much with him.

Re: Terry O'Quinn in the cabin?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:36 pm
by David3
I'm really hoping Walt will play a big role in the final season. I'm sure I'll be disappointed. I'm sure he'll make an appearence, but probably nothing more than another cameo.